Reto para prácticar nuestro "listeneing"

Planteamos el siguiente reto para los estudiantes.

 1.- Descubrir en que minutos se dice éstas frases. 

 2.- Señalar las palabras que no entendías auditivamente. 

 3.- Transcribir las dos últimas frases del audio.

 “Young people are turning to the internet a lot for sex education, relationship education; talking to each other and a good number of people using pornography which is probably something that would worry people,” he said. “The education system probably needs to do a huge amount more in this area to provide better relationship and sex education. “Some of that has started but a lot more needs to be done.”

 “Classroom setting; chalk and talk, ‘open your books and let’s talk about sex’ probably isn’t the way to do this and I think teachers realise that,” he said. “So we have got to have a more equal conversation. “In youth work for example, we sit down more equally with people; we have conversations around other activities – it might be sport, it might be music – and you will be talking to young people all the time about what is going on in their lives.”

 “Girls perceive that they are expected by the boys, or the people they are in relationships with, to have the body types of porn stars,” she said. “So we have got very young girls going for body waxing from the age of 13 onwards.”

Tomado de NewsRalk Radio (Irlanda).

El contenido exacto lo puedes encontrar aquí, tu debes buscar el minuto donde se dice.

Si deseas ampliar el cómo impacta internet en la sexualidad de los jóvenes puedes escuchar aquí.